
CIMB SGD 1.9% Fix Deposit Promotion

CIMB latest promotion looks very attractive. Effective rate about 1.9%(for 100k and above) for 12 months. The tiered interest is shown in the table above. If you are a preferred customer, you will get additional 0.04% p.a more.

Whats unique about this Fix D is that it gives $25 for every S$25,000 placement with fresh fund(capped at 1mil). What this means, is that it wants us to place in multiples of $25,000. We will not be entitled to the $25 credit, if the placement is below $25,000. Promotion is valid from 1st July to 30th September 2015.

The promotional amount will be credited into CIMB Starsaver designated by the account holder upon confirmation of the funds and successful placement into the Fix D program.

So far, this is the best Fix D rate I have come across for a 100k/50k/25k deposit. Do note that the Singapore Savings Bond is coming and will be biddable on 1st September. So if you wish to park excess cash into a Fix D, do save some for SSB.

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