
My Credit Card Spending and Rebate 2016

So far since the beginning of my 'credit card journey', I have saved thousands of dollars. From sign up cash rebates, online prepaid top ups rebates to credit cards cash rebates themselves, these helped me reduce my day to day expenses quite substantially.

First it was the Amex Imagine prepaid top up card. I have ten of those card(5 under my name and 5 under my wife's name. If you were to use an online rebate card to top up $72 in each card and spend them all to buy ntuc vouchers, you will get 14% rebate. 7% for spending $72 on the imagine amex card itself and another 7% from the online credit card top up. Not to mention, I have been using this card to take the train which gives me an effective rebate of 9%(online credit card rebate plus Imagine Amex ATU 2% rebate) Sadly, after using it for quite awhile now, the Amex imagine card will be discontinued from April 15th onward. Can click here to view the announcement.

Here are some of the crucial cards that are in my wallet now post Imagine Amex:

As I have mentioned previously, I have been crediting my salary to BOC Smartsaver, but I have not been using their cards(You don't need to use their credit cards to get the full 3.55%), because I have been using their Great Wall debit card to pay my other credit card bills. With the new and revised BOC Family Card which gives 7% rebate to dinning and 5% rebate to Nets FlashPay ATU, I will be using this card on April 17th onward and will most likely pay $20 for their new ATU version. Do note that a maximum of four ATUs will be awarded the 5% rebate and the spending from ATU is counted in the $500 min spending.

There is also the newly revised DBS live card. DBS has reduced the rebate to 5% and 3x DBS reward points with min spending of $700 online. Even though it is not as good as their previous promotion, paying using pay wave is counted to the 5% rebate and 3x DBS points this time. I could use this to buy $700 dollars of ntuc vouchers every month to get 5% rebate + 3x DBS points. Pay wave max one time spending is $100, so you can ask the staff to tap 7 times. If you use the 3x DBS point to exchange for ntuc vouchers you will effectively get close to 6% rebate(Similar to the M1 prepaid/fevo online credit card top up method). Full tnc here.

ANZ Optimium I will continue to choose the 5% rebate for grocery category and use it to pay the excess after using the ntuc vouchers. It is a good way to maximize the vouchers as this card do not have min spending.

I have also applied to be an ntuc member which has given me even more rebates. The membership fee is $117 p.a. I mainly just swipe the membership card for link points(1.33% rebate) and to get my 4% yearly rebate. Which means I still pay using either ANZ optimum or ntuc vouchers. That is almost close to 12%(excluding the membership fee). Previously with Imagine Amex prepaid cards, I have been getting almost 20% rebate!

The new BOC Shop and UOB One tnc have excluded prepaid top up for their rebate so I will not be using them much. I have CIMB infinite and World MasterCard to make sure my lowest rebate for all credit card spending will always be 1%. They are free for life so its good to have them in your wallet. They are good for big emergency spending.

SCB Singpost visa credit card will be my main online card as it gives 7% rebate with $600 min spending cap at $60. So far the highest rebate for online spending. Which means you can use this card to pay for your telecommunication bills directly online to get 7% rebate. I will go into more detail on how to get max rebates from paying utilities and other monthly miscellaneous payments in my future post.

The most important thing to remember is to always keep track of your spending and make sure its as efficient as possible. For me, majority of my expenses are on ntuc groceries, weekend dinning and telecommunication bills. Also make sure you pay all your credit cards on settlement date. If you have too many cards and cant remember, you can try to giro them.


  1. Hi. Can i check how do you pay your credit card bills using the boc debit card? Thanks.

    1. Hi Ryan can read the comment section of this post: http://scg8866tstockinvesting.blogspot.sg/2016/03/boc-355-smart-saver-update-and-tips.html?m=1

    2. Thank you very much.

    3. Hello, My name is Amara Carr from Florida. I just feel like saying this to people who really want a Blank Atm Card. There is this new way of making money with a particular ATM Card called the Blank ATM card. I got one through the help of a hacking group called MEYER TRAVIS ATM HACKERS. This Blank ATM card is programmed to malfunction any ATM machine and CCTV cameras. Thereby allowing you to withdraw up to $ 10,000 daily from any ATM machine all over the world. So far i have being able to withdraw $ 600,000.00 from several ATM machines. Thought it is illegal, there's no risk of being caught. For those of us in need of financial stability, you can get more information about this Blank ATM card by contacting MEYER Travis Curtis ATM HACKERS now on their email: Atmhackers@aol.com. I got this Blank ATM card at a very unexpected low rate.Email them they we tell you more about it and also how much it cost for you to get it. or text +1 402 892 2486 And they also give out loan of 2 %.

    4. PLEASE READ!!!!
      Hello Guys,i am a living testimony of this great work ,This is a Life Time transformation !!!Am so happy I got mine from Annie. My blank ATM card can withdraw $2,000 daily. I got it from Her last week and now I have $8,000 for free. The blank ATM withdraws money from any ATM machines and there is no name on it, it is not traceable and now i have money for business and enough money for me and my family to live on .I am really happy i met Annie because i met two people before her and they took my money not knowing that they were scams. But am happy now. Annie sent the card through DHL and i got it in two days. Get your own card from her now she is not like other scammer pretending to have the ATM card,She is giving it out for free to help people even if it is illegal but it helps a lot and no one ever gets caught. im grateful to Annie because she changed my story all of a sudden . The card works in all countries except Philippines, Mali and Nigeria. Annie's email address is anniemellor233@yahoo.com...,


      Alicia Orlando by name from USA.. i am here to share this message of greatness to only those who will seize the opportunity life will offer to become somebody great and actualize their dreams.so happy I got mine from Mr Dickson. My blank ATM card can withdraw 5000 dollars daily. I got it from Him last week and now I have 50000 dollars monthly. The blank ATM withdraws money from any ATM machines and there is no name on it, it is not traceable and now i have money for business and enough money for me and my family to live on .I am really happy i met Mr.Dickson because i met two people before him and they took my money not knowing that they were scams. But am happy now. Mr Dickson sent the card through UPS Express Delivery Shipment, and i got it in 4 days. Get your own card from him now he is not like other scammer pretending to have the ATM card,he is giving it out to help people even if it is illegal but it helps a lot and no one ever gets caught.Start living your big dreams, living that large and comfortable life that you always wised for, contact email: dicksonblankatmhacker@gmail.com and make your purchase immediately.

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      • Ok so why do we need these informations???❓❓❓

      • Open Ports : If there is an open port that means website is ready to listen to connection . Take example of FTP open ports. If it’s open then it can be bruteforced ).🔆🔆

      • Tip: Use SSH instead of ftp, it’s secure and encrypted mean when you send files over SSH first thing it does is encrypts your files So even if hacker gain access to your files they will see encrypted files not plain texts.✅✅

      • Emails? Email is needed for social engineering. With just a one click a backdoor will be installed in your system/browser. There is incredibly powerful software for exploiting that is BEEF pre-installed in kali All you need is to do is send hook.js file to your victim and trick him to click(Which is easy) and BAM start doing evil things.⏯⏯

      • Tip : if you type whois http://yourdomain.com in Linux you will find details like Domain registrar email address,phone number his address etc . So when you register your domain and purchase hosting do buy icann protection with it, it does not cost that much. in this way you will be able to protect your info.

      • Detecting SQLi vulnerability is easy just write single inverted comma after url php?id=1 Like php?id=1′ if it returns an error .Then It’s ready to be hacked.

      • TIP Use PDO instead of Mysqli or Mysql. If you are not familiar with PDO(can also be used with MYSQLi) then make sure you use htmlspecialchars and htmlentities. Example: Lets say you are getting value from browser. Do below thing to make your code secure

      This is the least you can do to protect yourself from hackers agianst SQLi.

      Sorry i cant go into details here.😷😷

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  2. Hey, ntuc voucher is consider as ntuc voucher as well ?

    1. Hey, ntuc voucher is consider as grocery purchase as well ? **
      Sorry typo.

    2. Hi, yes if you buy in ntuc itself.

    3. Thank you very much. How about great wall international debit card to pay credit card bills , any positive reward?

    4. Yes you get a 0.1% cash rebate for paying your other credit cards.

  3. Hi,

    I just got a BOC smart saver account too.
    How do you pay other credit card bills with your BOC debit card?

  4. Think I found the answer, using axs. If u have other avenues, pls share :)

    1. http://scg8866tstockinvesting.blogspot.sg/2016/03/boc-355-smart-saver-update-and-tips.html?m=1Yes please do check my previous post on BOC smartsaver. Under the comment section here:

  5. Hi there, I visited BOC website but there's nothing mentioned about the Family Card's dining rebate at all?
    In terms of dining, isn't CIMB visa signature 10% rebate a better deal ?

    1. Hi, you can go to this link: http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzA5MjEwMTA4Mw==&mid=401459137&idx=1&sn=6a984dd8298ed6c090bcf976f90b5bc4#rd

      Cimb visa signature is not efficient you need to spend a min number of times and each time its capped at a small amt, it also doesnt synergize with a savings acct like boc.

  6. Hi, the min spend for Singpost credit card is $600 instead of $500 as mentioned. Thanks for sharing your tips on maximizing credit card rebates!

  7. Hi Hayden,

    Thanks for the. Summary of credit cards. It's really good.

    Just few observations:

    1) you said you buy ntuc vouchers using Amex imagine and DBS live fresh. I imagine you have to spend a lot at ntuc. For me I do spend a lot but at most 300-400$ a month. But good information on the two cards; I wasn't aware.

    2) you said you use cimb infinite and world MasterCard for minimum 1%. Actually anz optimum card gives 1% rebate already. So don't need to bring out so many cards in wallet

    3) is it worth it to get the ntuc plus card considering you need to pay for membership? How did you calculate 12% rebate? Do you need to spend a certain amount at ntuc per year to get 12%? Also as compared to Ocbc plus card isn't Ocbc plus card good or better as there is no member ship fee to pay..

    4) also you said that you would use boc family card from April 17 onwards, I was thinking of using the Ocbc 365 card instead as it also gives 0.5% on the 360 account on max 50k. Isn't it a better option since can earn more interest on 360 account?

    Anyway these are my thoughts. Hope that you can reply. Thanks :)

    1. Hi Cheryl

      1) yes those two were the best combo.

      2) cimb infinite is free for life and you dont need to get min $50 before u can claim(like anz optimum). Anz optimnum has a max cap spending and they always round down. Cimb infinite has no cap, no exclusions and no need to worry about annuel fee.

      3) Dont get the plus card its bad. You need $500 outside spending to get the rebate if i remember correctly. Be ntuc member is better they give u a few ntuc shares which gives you 4% rebate per annum for all spending on top of the rebate u get from yoir credit cards and link points.

      4) im using BOC smartsaver acct which gives 3.55% for 60k it beats ocbc 360 hands down. I have cancelled my ocbc 360 acct since their frank card is useless now. Boc now has better cards and a better savings acct. to consider to switch to it.


    2. Hi Hayden thanks for your reply! So even with membership fee it is still worth it to get the ntuc plus card? That is provided the spending at ntuc is a lot so that the points gotten can more than offset the membership fee. Also what is the full name of the card? Its nebo plus! Or ntuc plus! That gives the 1.33% plus 4% rebate?

    3. Buying of NTUC vouchers will not be given linkpoints IIRC.

  8. Hi Cheryl, np. Its NTUC plus without the visa. Dont pay with it only use it to swipe for the link point and for them to detect your spending so that they can give you a 4% rebate by the end of the year. Cheers!

  9. Hi Hayden I got one more question.. The boc family card must spend 500$ within the calendar month? Coz it's effective from 17 April..

    1. Yes if you want to get the BOC smart saver bonus interest. But the 7% rebate is within your cards statement month. If you think you dont have enough time, just go ntuc and buy vouchers.

  10. Hi Hayden! I am planning to use the scb signpost card to make a online purchase transaction for hotel accommodation via hotel website. Do u know if that qualifies for 7% rebate?

    1. Hi, I used the Singpost card and made a payment online via the agoda website last month. The cash rebate that I received subsequently did not include that for the agoda booking. I called in to SCB customer service hotline and they confirmed the transaction as a valid online payment. They credited the short fall in cash rebate within a few days. Hope this helps.

  11. Oh thank you anonymous!! I am not sure what online transactions would qualify. Tried searching the scb website but not much information.

  12. Hi Hayden, my monthly spending is only $300 - $400 and salary $2,500, which credit card and saving account do you recommend?

    1. If you cant hit the $500 spending, can consider CIMB Fast Saver. It gives 1% interest plain and simple. Cap at 60k. Credit card can consider world woman mastercard or anz optimum.

  13. It is obvious that half of the people online talking about having the blank atm card are not real as i have tried getting this with all seriousness from several companies and i have paid my money to them without me getting the card and it was so frustrating until i came in contact with davidbenjaminltd@outlook.com who just in 2 days after i applied with them and submitted my details i card was delivered to me and its effectiveness was just as i read about it. I am using this medium to spread the good news and direct those who are serious about getting this card to the right company. Seek no further but contact davidbenjaminltd@outlook.com

  14. Finally got my hands on my own card via davidbejaminltd@outlook.com. I have been deceived into sending money to various companies without getting my card until i came in contact with David Benjamin. My card was delivered to my address in less than 4 days after i placed an order and meant the necessary requirement this company is reliable and true to their word i recommend davidbenjaminltd@outlook.com if you are in need of the programmed atm card.

  15. Hi Hayden,

    do you happen to have any idea whether season carpark fees payment through HDB website is eligible for the 7% rebate for scb singpost card? Try searching and even checking with scb customer svs, but they can't advise.


  16. Currently, which are the credit cards which still recognize prepaid FEVO/M1 card topup as an online transaction that qualifies for the cashback/benefits? Singpost and DBS Live Fresh?

  17. Davidbenjaminltd@outlook.com is indeed the right place to get your blank ATM card. Much has been said about this company which i saw online about their reliability and certified services am reaffirming this because i have tested them too and they are trusted. I got my card 4 days ago and it took just 2 days for it to be delivered to me after i made all necessary payments. If you are tired of wasting your money an time on fake companies then davidbenjaminltd@outlook.com is the right place

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  19. Hello, My name is Amara Carr from Florida. I just feel like saying this to people who really want a Blank Atm Card. There is this new way of making money with a particular ATM Card called the Blank ATM card. I got one through the help of a hacking group called MEYER TRAVIS ATM HACKERS. This Blank ATM card is programmed to malfunction any ATM machine and CCTV cameras. Thereby allowing you to withdraw up to $ 10,000 daily from any ATM machine all over the world. So far i have being able to withdraw $ 600,000.00 from several ATM machines. Thought it is illegal, there's no risk of being caught. For those of us in need of financial stability, you can get more information about this Blank ATM card by contacting MEYER Travis Curtis ATM HACKERS now on their email: Atmhackers@aol.com. I got this Blank ATM card at a very unexpected low rate.Email them they we tell you more about it and also how much it cost for you to get it. or text +1 402 892 2486 And they also give out loan of 2 %.

    Hello, My name is Amara Carr from Florida. I just feel like saying this to people who really want a Blank Atm Card. There is this new way of making money with a particular ATM Card called the Blank ATM card. I got one through the help of a hacking group called MEYER TRAVIS ATM HACKERS. This Blank ATM card is programmed to malfunction any ATM machine and CCTV cameras. Thereby allowing you to withdraw up to $ 10,000 daily from any ATM machine all over the world. So far i have being able to withdraw $ 600,000.00 from several ATM machines. Thought it is illegal, there's no risk of being caught. For those of us in need of financial stability, you can get more information about this Blank ATM card by contacting MEYER Travis Curtis ATM HACKERS now on their email: Atmhackers@aol.com. I got this Blank ATM card at a very unexpected low rate.Email them they we tell you more about it and also how much it cost for you to get it. or text +1 402 892 2486 And they also give out loan of 2 %.

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  22. Hello Hayden. What cards get the cashback rebate for topping up Fevo?


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    Alicia Orlando by name from USA.. i am here to share this message of greatness to only those who will seize the opportunity life will offer to become somebody great and actualize their dreams.so happy I got mine from Mr Dickson. My blank ATM card can withdraw 5000 dollars daily. I got it from Him last week and now I have 50000 dollars monthly. The blank ATM withdraws money from any ATM machines and there is no name on it, it is not traceable and now i have money for business and enough money for me and my family to live on .I am really happy i met Mr.Dickson because i met two people before him and they took my money not knowing that they were scams. But am happy now. Mr Dickson sent the card through UPS Express Delivery Shipment, and i got it in 4 days. Get your own card from him now he is not like other scammer pretending to have the ATM card,he is giving it out to help people even if it is illegal but it helps a lot and no one ever gets caught.Start living your big dreams, living that large and comfortable life that you always wised for, contact email: dicksonblankatmhacker@gmail.com and make your purchase immediately.

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  33. Hello everyone, i would have made the biggest mistake of my life marrying my former spouse but before the marriage after i saw his link from someones else testimonial. He is a professional that specializes in exposing cheating spouse
    and every other hacking and tracking related issues.He is truly a cyber genius , he helps catching cheating spouse by hacking and tracking their communications like call, whatsapp, Facebook, text, emails, Skype and many more.if you are having doubts in your affairs and relationship please i will advise you to contact him and know if He or she is true to you.

  34. After too many disappointments with hackers. O my God i still can believe the world still have legit hackers like this out there. i came across Sabina Roman’s post on a blog where she talked about a hacker whom helped her out with a bank hack so I contacted him to see if its truth because of my experience with some hackers that I had to stop looking for a hacker until I saw the post and I decided to try for the last time. its actually impossible to put in words how much of a Genius he is and also can't stop thanking him for helping me through my divorce case because I needed to hack into my husband’s telephone to get some proof before going for the bank hacking .Jonny Belter is a Black-hat hacker and very capable of any type of hack in the hacking world as they call it. He is actually one of the best out there and also very good to understand what so ever you are going through, in my own case the money wasn't the problem and i can gladly say every money spent was so worth it. I made a promise to him that I must tell the world of his good works and if you are interested in any type of hacking jobs you can contact him through his email hackwithjonny-AT-gmail-DOT-com and please tell him Amanda Josh told you about his good works and I keep saying thank you Jonny belter and God bless you for everything.

  35. After too many disappointments with hackers. O my God i still can believe the world still have legit hackers like this out there. i came across Sabina Roman’s post on a blog where she talked about a hacker whom helped her out with a bank hack so I contacted him to see if its truth because of my experience with some hackers that I had to stop looking for a hacker until I saw the post and I decided to try for the last time. its actually impossible to put in words how much of a Genius he is and also can't stop thanking him for helping me through my divorce case because I needed to hack into my husband’s telephone to get some proof before going for the bank hacking .Jonny Belter is a Black-hat hacker and very capable of any type of hack in the hacking world as they call it. He is actually one of the best out there and also very good to understand what so ever you are going through, in my own case the money wasn't the problem and i can gladly say every money spent was so worth it. I made a promise to him that I must tell the world of his good works and if you are interested in any type of hacking jobs you can contact him through his email hackwithjonny-AT-gmail-DOT-com and please tell him Amanda Josh told you about his good works and I keep saying thank you Jonny belter and God bless you for everything.

  36. After too many disappointments with hackers. O my God i still can believe the world still have legit hackers like this out there. i came across Sabina Roman’s post on a blog where she talked about a hacker whom helped her out with a bank hack so I contacted him to see if its truth because of my experience with some hackers that I had to stop looking for a hacker until I saw the post and I decided to try for the last time. its actually impossible to put in words how much of a Genius he is and also can't stop thanking him for helping me through my divorce case because I needed to hack into my husband’s telephone to get some proof before going for the bank hacking .Jonny Belter is a Black-hat hacker and very capable of any type of hack in the hacking world as they call it. He is actually one of the best out there and also very good to understand what so ever you are going through, in my own case the money wasn't the problem and i can gladly say every money spent was so worth it. I made a promise to him that I must tell the world of his good works and if you are interested in any type of hacking jobs you can contact him through his email hackwithjonny-AT-gmail-DOT-com and please tell him Amanda Josh told you about his good works and I keep saying thank you Jonny belter and God bless you for everything.

  37. Hello
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  39. russiancyberhackers@gmail.com is a faithful hacker and always keeps to there words I got the best from them and am happy with all the results I got from them. Am thankful

  40. I made mistakes by getting married to the wrong woman but am glad I was able to correct this mistakes with the help of jeajamhacker@gmail.com. with the help of this hacker I found out a lot of truth that has been hidden from me for a while but after spying into her phone I saw that my wife has been cheating on me without another man its so heart breaking but for some reason I feel happy that I am able to come out of the dark all thanks to you jeajamhacker@gmail.com

  41. Don’t get scammed trying to catch a cheating spouse today. If truly you want to catch he or she red handed go for the best and that is jeajamhacker@gmail.com this hacker never fails I can bet my life on this. Tell jeajamhacker Mary Mullaney referred you and thank me later.

  42. Working with genuine hackers matters a lot, spyexpert0@gmail.com is an example of a genuine hacker very reliable incase you all need spyexpert0@gmail.com services tell him Robyn Rogers directed you to him.

  43. You need a hacker to put an eye on your spouse or your children daily activities on there cell phone I advise you go for darkhatthacker@gmail.com this hacker has been working for me since last year June 8 so I know there abilities I recommend you all to darkhatthacker@gmail.com you will never regret it thank you

  44. With the help of verifiedprohackers@gmail.com I was able to break into mobile phones without being traced. This is my first time hiring a hacker and with the results I got from verifiedprohackers@gmail.com I feel so so happy and comfortable using there services again.

  45. Surprising how I got F in all subjects and now all the F turned to A”s all thanks to russiancyberhackers@gmail.com for removing shame from my face all this were done at a very cheap and affordable price if you need same help in changing of bad school grades just email russiancyberhackers@gmail.com and wait for results thanks .

  46. For some time now I noticed my wife strange attitude. When I make love to my wife she keeps streaming a particular strange name and I asked her she said its nothing but I suspected that a lot has been going on at my back. I hired anonymousmaskhat@gmail.com to help me find out if my wife is seeing someone else at my back and after the phone hack I noticed that my suspicion were all right. Thank you anonymousmaskhat@gmail.com my first time working with you was a very big success.

  47. I just wonder why men will never stop cheating on there spouse my husband kept on giving me hard times he wont unlock his phone in my front, he will always hide to pick calls but I came in contact with a professional hacker today jeajamhacker@gmail.com with this hacker that phone passcode my husband has been hiding I got access to all including all the calls he made in d past I got to listen to all trust me jeajamhacker@gmail.com really did a nice job for at an affordable price am really grateful.

  48. Before I came in contact with russiancyberhackers@gmail.com for just a WhatsApp hack I have been scammed 4 different times by 4 different hackers but I tried one more time and I found the realest hacker russiancyberhackers@gmail.com thank you for being honest to me it was never easy finding the realest hacker but I didn’t give up russiancyberhackers@gmail.com am showing you off to the world because you deserve it I emailed you about my problems on how to get my spouse WhatsApp hacked and you responded to me with a very reliable price and you gave me all I wanted am blessed to work with you thank you.

  49. Am so so heart broken a man I have been with for 5 years we were all going fine in this relationship not until my best friend said his not a perfect match for me and all my God I didn’t know how the hell I took her advice but there again I was smart to hire jeajamhacker@gmail.com to know what this my friend was up too believe me this hacker did a smooth job and I was able to monitor my friend phone, right on her WhatsApp conversation I saw my boyfriend number and also saw how my friend has been spoiling my name to my boy friend just to break the relationship I have with my boyfriend and when I confronted her she lied till I Brought proof of her conversations she she was shocked and surprised on how I knew all thanks to this hacker jeajamhacker@gmail.com

  50. I have been lied to so many times by men but guess how I keep catching them red handed with there lies?? With the help of jeajamhacker@gmail.com each time I notices lies or suspect any fowl play all I do is email jeajamhacker@gmail.com and I will have there phones hacked remotely and get the fact out of there phones.. am Thankful to this great hacker (jeajamhacker@gmail.com).

  51. russiancyberhackers@gmail.com the best hacker of the year, This hacker has been giving me the best update on my spouse phone right from January till date I have always been updated on every single applications he uses on his phone and also his deleted messages, all his phone calls were always recorded so am awarding russiancyberhackers@gmail.com as the best hacker of the year

  52. I have troubles trusting men that is why I use anonymousmaskhat@gmail.com and so far I keeping getting the best of anonymousmaskhat@gmail.com

  53. I have been out of the country for 3 months now and I have been really suspecting my wife is seeing someone else, I got really scared so I hired darkhatthacker@gmail.com for the first time to try if this hacking of phones really works, darkhatthacker gave me a specific time of an hour that he would be done with the job exactly 1 hour I started getting so many notifications from my wife phone starting from her WhatsApp MESSAGES, call logs, deleted text messages, Instagram, telegram, voice calls and many more, could not believe I had access to my wife phone without physical contact too her phone and this way I found out that my suspicions about my wife were all right

  54. Giving a man your all will only kill you because men can never be trusted, I almost lost my life yesterday after seeing a lot on my husband cell phone with the help of anonymousmaskhat@gmail.com I decided to run a quick hack on my husband so I had to email anonymousmaskhat@gmail.com for help and anonymously we broke into my husband phone and I saw a lot of rubbish starting from his WhatsApp text, text messages, iMessages, and many more I was so disappointed in this man after giving my all to him he ended up cheating on me with different women and still come to sleep with me am so blessed to work with you anonymousmaskhat@gmail.com thank you.

  55. spyexpert0@gmail.com am really grateful for the iPhone you hacked into for me am happy to say I found all I needed to know about my ex with the help of your services it all went smooth without being traced… thank you so much

  56. I am celebrating jeajamhacker@gmail.com, today makes it a year this hacker worked for me and today also is the expiring date of the phone hack jeajamhacker@gmail.com did for me I am so proud of this hacker. working with you has been the best thing that has ever happened to me this year. Thank you for all you have done for me and merry Christmas.

  57. I just have to introduce this hacker that I have been working with him on getting my credit score been boosted across the Equifax, TransUnion and Experian report. He made a lot of good changes on my credit report by erasing all the past eviction, bad collections and DUI off my credit report history and also increased my FICO score above 876 across my three credit bureaus report you can contact him for all kind of hacks . Email him here support@wavedrive.tech go on their website wavedrive.tech for more details,Whatsapp No:+14106350697 if you want to chat them up,One thing i can assure you would not regret this at all he is 100% legit

  58. Thank you so much russiancyberhackers@gmail.com for helping me gain access to my spouse Facebook account without trace or notifications on his end.

  59. With the help of jeajamhacker@gmail.com I was able to hack into my blackmailing ex girlfriend Gmail. Thank you once again jeajamhacker@gmail.com

  60. I read my husband text messages without trace with the help of spyexpert0@gmail.com it was indeed a smooth job. Thank you spyexpert0@gmail.com

  61. spyexpert0@gmail.com is a powerful hacker that doesn't leave a single trace after doing a phone hack for you that is why i trust and believe in spyexpert0@gmail.com even when i was in need of my husband face ID unlock with spyexpert0@gmail.com in less than 30min it was unlocked without me doing a single thing on my husband cell phone.

  62. My wife has refused to do away with her ex boyfriend who proposed to her but ended up getting married to another lady now I figured out that she has been seeing her ex for a while now and also kept the ring he gave her instead of returning back the ring. Found out with the help of verifiedprohackers@gmail.com after hacking into my wife’s phone.

  63. I got to monitor my spouse phone remotely with the help of spyexpert0@gmail.com and I was able to read my spouse WhatsApp messages, text messages and also listen to all calls my spouse has made for the past few months now till date. Thank you so much spyexpert0@gmail.com.
